How can employers contribute to the young person’s guarantee in Renfrewshire?


I am an employer

If you are a business or an employer and would like to get involved with the Young Person's Guarantee, we would love to hear from you email us at

Organisations backing the Guarantee make five pledges to help young people at this critical time:

  • Prepare young people for the world of work through work experience, volunteering and work-based learning opportunities

  • Engage with and provide opportunities to young people who face barriers to work

  • Create work-based learning, training and upskilling opportunities for young people

  • Create jobs and opportunities for young people through apprenticeships, paid internships and work experience

  • Create an inclusive workplace to support learning and enable young people to meet their potential

For more information on the Young Person’s Guarantee visit:


Advertise a Job


Employ a young person - Recruitment Incentives

There are a number of different recruitment incentives available which depend on the type of job, the duration of the post and the person you aim to employ. Both the Scottish and UK governments have prioritised recruitment incentives for young people and if you would like any further advice email

Kickstart Scheme - £1500 recruitment grant plus 100% of the National Minimum Wage Rate (Age Specific) for 25 hours per week for 26 weeks to recruit a young person aged 18-24 claiming Universal Credit 

If you are interested in creating a new and additional job placement – we can offer assistance with wage and training costs through Kickstart – to register your interest please complete the survey Kickstart in Renfrewshire Survey

Apprenticeship Employer Grant, Adopt an Apprentice and Apprentice Pathways


Get involved

Email to discuss your requirements and find out what support might be available

If you are a business or an employer and would like to get involved with the Young Person's Guarantee, we would love to hear from you email us at


Apprenticeship Employer Grants

Whether it’s hiring someone new or developing an existing employee, apprenticeships can help provide the skills your business needs.

The Apprentice Employer Grant (AEG) is available to help you to recruit new Modern or Graduate Apprentices within your business or upskilling existing employees.

£5,000 for employers taking on or upskilling a 16 to 24-year through a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship, and for those aged up to 29 years who have a disability, are care experienced or are from a black, Asian or minority ethnic background. 

£3,500 for employers taking on or upskilling an individual aged 25 and over through a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship. 

If applications are for upskilling existing employees, the grant specifically supports those who have changed job roles within the last four months.

Funding will be available for eligible employers where the apprenticeship start date was on or after 1st December 2020. Funding will be available for starts until 25th March 2021 or until funding levels are exceeded, whichever comes first.


Engage with Education

Engaging with young in education can benefit your business:

  • Increase your business profile in the community

  • Pipeline of candidates for the future

  • High return on investment with a reduced recruitment cost base

  • Development of your staff

  • Help school’s knowledge of current jobs and career opportunities

  • Bring in new ideas from young people



Email to engage with education and inspire future careers


DYW West

Developing the Young Workforce West (DYW West) is the regional DYW group for Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire. Funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by West College Scotland at their Paisley campus, DYW West exist to connect industry with education. Employers can help bring the curriculum to life for example by giving talks, tours, offering work placements, running competitions and supporting careers events all helping to influence their potential future workforce.

We encourage young people while in education to understand the skills and qualities employers look for and try and evidence them before they leave education. DYW West were recently awarded additional funding from the Young Persons Guarantee for in school DYW Schools coordinators to maximise existing and develop new employer opportunities and ensure resources such as Marketplace / Founders4Schools and others are used to best effect.

DYW West positively encourage and support the apprenticeship family, attending college and gaining experience via volunteering, For more info please visit our website:


Register as an employer

More information can be found at Renfrewshire Councils Website: